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Donald Kuspit

critic, curator and educator

While Robert Curcio and I have been acquaintances for many years, it was in 2010 that we first truly worked together.  Robert asked me to write the essay to The Great Nude Invitational, a major figurative exhibit he was organizing featuring Odd Nerdrum and numerous rising talents of figurative art.  Afterwards he brought many wonderful artists to my attention, and I have supported his many curatorial projects.  While I was curating Mortality: A Survey of Contemporary Death Art, Robert and I got together and I found his understanding of the exhibit empathetic and with his wide-ranging knowledge of excellent artists, I invited him to curate the exhibit with me.  Not only was he invaluable with selecting artists, but Robert also assisted reviewing the catalog, working with artists on shipping their work, promotion and liaising with the museum staff.  Even when the museum canceled and did not reschedule the exhibit due to covid, Robert was committed and persistent in his promotion of the exhibit securing a lengthy article, including artists in other exhibits he has curated and his continuous efforts to find a new venue for the exhibit.

Robert receives my highest recommendation not only for his curatorial abilities and extensive contacts, but for his dedication and drive to his projects. In my estimation, you will not find a better or more suitable person to collaborate with on any project.

​Leah Oates, Owner & Director, and artist

​Station Independent Projects

​I have known Robert Curcio for over twenty years now and have worked with him as an artist and curator, both were great experiences.  Robert is a true art professional who is smart, has a great eye, knows the NYC arts scene very well, and he’s a talented curator and writer.
Recently Robert and I curated At Face Value at my gallery which received a fantastic response with reviews in Whitehot Magazine, d’Art Magazine and in Online Magazine, among other media coverage.  At Face Value was a visually stunning show and it was wonderful to work with Robert on this show.
I highly recommend Robert Curcio to anyone in the global art scene as a consultant, curator and writer as he’s a great guy, easy to work with, and a talented arts professional.

Robert Berry, Owner & Director

Robert Berry Gallery
I met Robert almost a decade ago when he was consulting with a major gallery exhibition at a Chelsea gallery. His ability to recognize quality and innovation, his academic no-nonsense approach, his abiding passion for art, and a natural at connecting with people, all help make him a successful curator, writer, and talent manager. This combination of expertise and authenticity is rare in the art market, and I have been fortunate to benefit in numerous ways from his knowledge and experience.
Robert and I have collaborated on numerous projects over the years, with one of the highlights being the highly successful Tales of Adjusted Desire that he curated for my gallery. The group of artists and their work were incredible, the catalog essay and press release were fantastic, and the attention to detail and professionalism in all the marketing materials were just exceptional.  I am grateful for his friendship, courtesy, and professionalism throughout the years. A good part of his success is that he is, quite simply, a solid character.

Priska Juschka, Director

Robert receives my highest recommendation not only for his curatorial abilities and extensive contacts, but for his dedication and drive to his projects. In my estimation, you will not find a better or more suitable person to collaborate with on any project.

​I have known Robert Curcio since the early 2000’s through his various positions in the art world as co-founder and producer of Scope International Art Fairs and as an independent curator, writer, art fair consultant and events organizer. Since 2017 we have co-curated six exhibitions at Lichtundfire and have collaborated on all aspects of an exhibition – selecting artists and works, placement of works and installation, logistics, writing the release, promotion, securing articles and reviews, sales, events and managing the gallery whenever needed. Collaborating with Robert has been a great experience in that he is insightful and committed to doing what is necessary to have a successful exhibition; and there is an important ease to working with him. He comes up with poetic titles that capture the essence of the exhibition concept and continues to introduce new artists to our space, many of whom we have included in additional shows over time. They have become part of the Lichtundfire “family,” as has Robert. I look forward to many more future collaborations with Robert and highly recommend working with him to anyone.

Katharine T. Carter, President and CEO                                            

Katharine T. Carter & Associates
Robert Curcio's abilities as an effective book publicist are indisputable in my estimation—he got results from his efforts on our behalf. As a first-timer in the world of publishing, Robert helped me secure placement coverage for our book in important art magazines, leading websites, blogs and other media venues for Accelerating on the Curves: The Artist's Roadmap to Success. Robert Curcio is not only thorough in his research he has the perseverance and dedication needed to stay with his follow-up efforts for extended periods of time. In other words, he is not easily discouraged. Anyone seeking coverage would benefit by Curcio's tenacity and determination—he gets "tangible" and measurable results, and has always given 100%. I know—I've worked with him for over a decade.

Jean-Luc Richard, President

Galerie Richard Inc.
It brings me great pleasure to write on behalf of Robert Curcio.  Mr. Curcio was hired for the exhibition of Paul Henry Ramirez, which consequently was also the inaugural exhibition of the gallery's new Chelsea, NYC space.  During this time Mr. Curcio was pro-active in helping me acclimate and transition the business to its new location, procuring collectors, curators and critics, most notably Donald Kuspit, who wrote the catalog essay for the exhibition.  Mr. Curcio introduced Ramirez to the curator at the McNay Art Museum which has included him in the traveling exhibition Beauty Reigns. Additionally, Mr. Curcio facilitated contactswith leading art publications such as Artforum, Art News and Flash Art.
Mr. Curcio went above and beyond his call of duty by organizing a Scotch tasting event intended to attract collectors, critics and others to Ramirez's exhibition.  It is this type of "out-of-the-box" thinking that makes Robert an exciting collaborator.  I give Robert Curcio my highest recommendation.


Jeffrey Wiener, Publisher
The Great Nude

Robert Curcio and I have worked together on a number of projects over the past 25 years. Most recently over the last several years, Robert has helped TheGreatNude produce several large Art Events on behalf of this magazine. TheGreatNude Invitational 2010, held in the Roger Smith Hotel, was a 5 day exhibition of Figurative Art which included 27 international artists, several  Life-drawing parties and a panel discusion which included reknowned art critic Donald Kuspit, and several major artists. From strategic planning, managing of artists, handling insurance, and bringing numerous diverse concerns together through Robert's numerous contacts. Over the years, I have continued to trust the consultations and advice that Robert Curcio has provided me, and he has worked with TheGreatNude on several more events and exhibitions since.

Alejandro Zaia, Chairman
Pinta Art Fair

Since the beginning of Pinta: The Modern and Contemporary Latin American Art Show in 2009, Robert Curcio has played a valuable part in the success of Pinta in New York City. Through his numerous contacts with writers, editors, publishers, journalists, critics and other art media connections, Curcio made our Media Preview Brunches packed events. With his extensive and thorough follow-up of his contacts, Pinta has received numerous articles, reviews and other coverage in leading international art and culture publications, blogs and websites.  For the 2011 edition of Pinta in NYC, Curcio arranged with the NY1 cable news to interview the fair's directors and exhibitors which was televised during the fair.  Recently, he was asked to assist with collectors and VIPs, and within a month's time was able to bring members of the Whitney Museum's Contemporaries, members of Artlog's collector group, the Director of the Hirshhorn Museum in Washington DC, Citigroup managers and clients, and the art consultants Thea Westriech and David Nisinson to the fair.  It has been a pleasure and of great benefit working with Robert Curcio these past few years and we look forward to working together many more years.  I highly recommend Robert Curcio to other fairs and art related projects.


Andre Stitt, Wales

I have known Rob Curcio since he was the Assistant Director at Ward-Nasse Gallery, NYC, back in 1990 when he helped organize a performance art piece, I did there. Since then, Rob has produced many projects for me in New York and represented me at Scope Art Fair in many international cities over the years.  In 2009 he produced 'Shiftwork'; a week-long performance and installation project at the Lab Gallery, Roger Smith Hotel, NYC.  This project gained wide media attention and resulted in many reviews and a book published by curcioprojects.

Rob was crucial in validating and supporting my career in New York and although I am based elsewhere now, when I am back in NYC, I always make sure I have a chance to hang out with Rob. I look forward to when we work again as Rob is one of those rare ‘diamond geezers’; he keeps his cool in difficult situations and is completely supportive, loving, kind and considerate towards the artists he works with.  His sincerity, intelligence and commitment is something I value in the art world. I thoroughly recommend Rob Curcio to anyone working in the creative sector as someone who will work for you and support you and be on your side in transitioning your practice to another level. 

Esther Naor, Israel
In 2007 my then manager researched and found Robert Curcio as someone assisting international artists with promotion and exhibitions.  I decided to work with Robert, but with the recession he didn’t have much luck. But in 2013 I sent Robert images of new sculptures with heads which was perfect timing since he was co-curating HEAD at BOSI Contemporary, NYC, that summer.  Robert put me in the exhibit and because of participating in HEAD, I had a solo exhibit at BOSI Contemporary, 2015, which Robert wrote a profile of me published in dArt International.  And because of this exhibit I had solo exhibit at Stux + Haller Gallery, 2016, also in NYC.
Unfortunately, both galleries closed with Robert and I drifting apart until I contacted him in 2018 when we were going to work together, but due to family and then the pandemic getting in the way it didn’t happen. Just recently (early 2022) Robert contacted me to see about starting again.  This is one of Robert’s better qualities – being persistent and following up.
I’m excited to be working with Robert again because he gets results, has good ideas and suggestions, knows many people in the art world in NYC and internationally.  If you want to get exhibitions, coverage and more, I recommend other artists to work with Robert 

Lenora Rosenfield, Brazil
It brings me great pleasure to write on behalf of Robert Curcio as he is extremely knowledgeable and focused on the value of effective promotion in the arts for artists. When I first met him, he seemed to me a very shy guy. But I did not realize at that moment his ability and knowledge to work in the art field of writing and introducing my paintings to galleries would be so extensive.​

Since we started working together at the beginning of 2020, and during a global pandemic with me in Brazil, he has introduced my work to galleries, collectors, media and others in NYC, included me in two group exhibitions he co-curated that the reviews favorably talk about my paintings, great video walk-thru of the exhibits, and because of the exhibitions I have received many articles in Brazil.

It has been a pleasure and of great benefit working with Robert Curcio these past years.  I highly recommend working with him.

Frodo Mikkelsen, Denmark

I've known Robert since  2019 when Paul Brainard suggested me for a museum exhibit he was curating.  The exhibit was Mortality curated by Robert and Donald Kuspit, and they selected one of my skull sculptures.  Unfortunately, that exhibit was canceled due to Covid, but Robert and I have been keeping in touch.  During the pandemic he managed to have Mortality, online version, reviewed, have me do a question & answer interview with Art Review City and he included me in another exhibit, A Daze of Roses at Mizuma & Kips, NYC, which was reviewed and there's an exhibit video walk-thru.  Hopefully we'll be able to meet in person soon and I look forward to working with Robert more in the future.

Catya Plate, Artist and Award-winning Filmmaker, USA
I am more than happy to write on behalf of Robert Curcio.  My friendship and professional relationship with Robert started in 1999 when I was participating in an exhibition at the Limelight that he was co-curating. As my career as an artist and filmmaker has also grown over the years, I realized that as a full-time artist I do not have enough time to stay up to date on exhibition opportunities, curators, galleries, etc.  Robert came to mind immediately and we arranged a studio visit.  His assessment of my work was not only spot-on but also extremely thoughtful. I am delighted to say that in a short time many good things have come out of his advisory service, one of which is an upcoming solo show at the Indianapolis Art Center. 
In the contemporary art world where so many people are fleeting presences, Robert is something like the Rock of Gibraltar. His Zen-like coolness and kindness amidst an art world that is hyper is more than refreshing. His insight into the art world, his expertise, intelligence and intuition and most of all his sincerity are invaluable. I look forward to continue working with Robert.

Chambliss Giobbi, USA
I met Robert in 2010 when I was exhibiting at VOLTA NY.  Since then, he has become a close and loyal friend.  Robert has a rare combination of instinct, knowledge and profound enthusiasm for contemporary art.   I am very grateful for his loyalty and enthusiasm for my work which has resulted in many fruitful collaborations. For my solo exhibition SE7N: The Seven Deadly Sins at 101/Exhibit in Miami, Robert introduced my work to Walter Robinson which resulted in Robinson writing a rigorous catalogue essay. Robert also arranged a video interview at the exhibit for the site The Great Nude.  Robert pushed for my inclusion in EYE ON THE STORM curated by Dominick Lombardi with two museum venues, as well as my participation in HEAD, an upcoming group exhibition curated by Robert and Dominick. Robert’s knowledge, integrity and generosity are known quantities in the NYC art world, and he has earned my respect many times over in just the few years I have known him.